
Think it


Dream it


Plan it


Pray on it


Wield it


Build it




Stay on it


See it


Chase it


Believe it


Channel it


Think it 〰️ Dream it 〰️ Plan it 〰️ Pray on it 〰️ Wield it 〰️ Build it 〰️ Focus 〰️ Stay on it 〰️ See it 〰️ Chase it 〰️ Believe it 〰️ Channel it 〰️

To Be yourself or someone else which is the hardest.
— Picassomoe

Great quotes have the power to encapsulate profound wisdom, inspiration, and timeless truths in just a few words. They serve as beacons of insight, offering guidance, motivation, and reflection. These succinct expressions often transcend time and resonate with a universal audience, providing solace during challenges and encouragement in moments of doubt. A great quote is a nugget of wisdom that can ignite change, spark creativity, or simply offer a fresh perspective. In the world of language, these quotes are like treasures, encapsulating the essence of human experience and wisdom, ready to uplift, inspire, and stand the test of time.

  • "Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."

    - Thomas Merton

  • "The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls."

    Pablo Picasso

  • "Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable."

    Cesar A. Cruz

  • β€œIt all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business.”

    Keith Finley